Eserleri Türkçe’ye de çevrilen Fransız yazar Philippe Sollers hayatını kaybetti

Edition: 06.05.2023– 3:11 p.m / Last update: 06.05.2023 – 3:11 p.m French novelist and essayist...

Eserleri Türkçe’ye de çevrilen Fransız yazar Philippe Sollers hayatını kaybetti

French novelist and essayist Philippe Sollers died at the age of 86.

The sad news was announced by her publisher Gallimard.

Sollers, who is also a magazine director and television producer in addition to writing, has written more than 80 works. Sollers, who became especially famous for her novel Women, published in 1983, has books Altyazı and Merkez in Turkish.

Sollers recently published his book Secret Agent 2021.

Who is Philippe Sollers?

Philippe Sollers (1936, Bordeaux). Sollers, whose real name is Philippe Joyaux, won the Médicis Prize in 1961 for his novel Park after quickly entering the literary world with his first novel Strange Solitude (1959), attracting the attention of Aragon and Mauriac. In 1960, together with Julia Kristeva and several writers of the younger generation, she founded the magazine Tel Quel and its series. Pursuing a theory of writing parallel to the extreme left political line, his work was influential in France, Italy and the USA until the late 70s. After presenting an example of his theoretical arguments in his novel Drama (1965), Sollers published Laws (1971), H (1973) and Paradise (first volume, 1981) in the same vein. Roland Barthes dedicated the book to Sollers, who left his mark in that period with his essays and research. Founder and director of L’Infini magazine, Sollers became one of the most influential writers in France with his works ranging from Portrait of the Player to The Year of the Tiger.

Source: Haber Global