Tom Hanks, yeni James Bond adayını açıkladı
James Bond in the role Daniel CraigAs the search officially begins for a new actor...

James Bond in the role Daniel CraigAs the search officially begins for a new actor to replace the ‘owl, famous actor Tom Hanks has announced who he wants to play 007.
Independent Turkish for the BBC based on Hanks said in an interview that he is the next actor to take on the role of 007 Idris Elba He made it clear that he thought that was the way it should be.
recording “get rid of endless pressure” Hanks, who said he wrote his first novel for “Get this. James Bond has the power to kill. I would give that power to Idris Elba just based on the work I’ve seen him do.” He said.
Hanks’ opinion is that he is a famous actor who has played Bond in the past. Pierce Brosnan‘, as well as many fans who supported Elba for this role. The actor, who has been associated with this role for more than 10 years, recently denied that he is seriously engaged in work.
“above me”
Elba “This is not the goal of my career” said and added: “I don’t think playing Bond will satisfy my personal goals. It will certainly satisfy the will of the nation. I’m not going to lie, wherever I go in the world, I’m talking about different cultures, they Always say ‘Bond’ and at this intersection I feel it’s beyond me. It is beyond me. You know, this is not a question, should I do it, will I do it… So the will of the nation sometimes dictates.”
Still, it seems Elba will be the subject of endless speculation until the new James Bond is officially announced.
Michael G. Wilson, who has been a producer of the series for a long time, said that the search for an actor for the new film has begun. The famous producer adds that his audition team avoided young actors.
“We’ve tried looking at younger people in the past, but it doesn’t work. Bond is a veteran, not a high school student. That’s why a 30-something Bond does the job.”