Usta oyuncu Rana Cabbar hayatını kaybetti

Edition: 20.04.2023– 2:09 p.m / Last update: 20.04.2023 – 2:22 p.m Sökmen Management Agency, the...

Usta oyuncu Rana Cabbar hayatını kaybetti

Sökmen Management Agency, the management agency of leading player Rana Cabbar, said: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of our valuable player Rana Cabbar. May God have mercy on him, we express our condolences to his relatives and all his fans.

Master actor Rana Cabbar died at the age of 78 - Picture: 1

Rana Cabbar was taken to Taksim First Aid Training and Research Hospital after she fell ill recently.

Master actor Rana Cabbar died at the age of 78 - Picture: 2


Rana Cabbar was born in Istanbul in 1945. In the following years, he settled in Ankara and participated in the founding of the Ankara Art Theater.

After acting for a long time in AST, she also worked in different theaters. Rana Cabbar is the first actor who played an “awkward” role in Uğur Mumcu’s play “Unsuitable Infantry”.

In addition to theater, he is also involved in cinematography. Some of the directors he worked with in the cinema; Erden Kıral, Ömer Kavur, Şerif Gören and Yavuz Turgul. He is a very important theater actor.

He played the character of Süleyman Efendi in the TV series Aşkı Memnu.

Source: Haber Global